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Miss Teen Filipina Austria And Miss Filipina Austria 2015

Am Samstag, 25. April 2015, um 18:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Austria Center Vienna Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, A-1220 Wien

KommentarDefining the true meaning of beauty has been one of mankind's most timeless endeavors. It has inspired songs to be written, monuments to be built, and masterpieces to be created. Such a simple notion but almost impossible to be summed up in any form of expression. Like a gust of wind, it is unseen but felt. It can move the heavens and the earth. It can thrust a grown man to his knees but yet bring a smile to an infant with the tickle of a gentle breeze.

Miss Teen Filipina Austria & Ms. Filipina Austria proudly present a one of a kind opportunity to showcase beauty like never before. In the historical and magnificent city that has inspired some of the world's greatest minds to dream, where east meets west, and where the old embraces the new, Vienna will be host to this premiere coronation. Inspired by the kind and alluring beauty of the Filipino spirit infused with the unwavering yet refined grace of the Austrian soul, we have selected a handful of beautiful young women of Filipino descent to vie for the crown and represent their unique cultural identity as Austrian Filipinos and stand as a testament not only to their ability to impress a roaring crowd with a captivating smile but to the true greatness of being a modern Filipino woman and a citizen of the world.

On April 25, 2015, Miss Teen Filipina Austria & Ms. Filipina Austria will be crowned as the very first representatives that will get the chance to compete in the Miss Republic of the Philippines.

Join us and let us make history together.

VIP 150€
[access to the VIP Lounge | dégustation bar | meet and greet with the candidates | backstage passes | etc.]
General Admission 40€

For further details please contact:
Rheena Eria
Coordinating Project Manager

Andreas Stejskal
Project Manager
+43 664 54 181 72

Marketing & PR
Gérard Karlo Serrano Rabara

Social Media Partner
The Best of the World Network by Maria Petrak

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Kalenderansicht anzeigen:
April 2015 || Woche 17/2015 || 25. April 2015