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Morbid Anatomy Vienna Anatomy Weekend at the Narrenturm Pathological Museum and the Josephinum Museum SAVE THE DATE

Wiederholender Termin, aktuelle Instanz: Sonntag, 24. April 2016
Jeden Tag
Wiederholung beginnend mit 22. April 2016, bis 24. April 2016
Um 17:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Narrenturm

KommentarMorbid Anatomy Vienna Anatomy Weekend at the Narrenturm Pathological Museum and the Josephinum Museum SAVE THE DATE
Dates: Friday, April 22 – Sunday, April 24h
Location: Narrenturm Museum, Vienna

Please save the date for a very special Morbid Anatomy weekend based at the Narrenturm Museum and other amazing collections of Vienna, Austria!

The weekend will include front- and back-stage tours of the Narrenturm, lectures, workshops, and much more! It will also include tours of the Josephinum Museum with its 18th century wax anatomical Venuses; walking tours of morbid and medical Vienna; backstage tour of the zoological collection of Vienna University; and much more! All programs will be in English.


Dates: Friday, April 22 – Sunday, April 24
Location: Narrenturm Museum, Vienna

Einmalige Anmeldung für alle Instanzen bis vor Beginn des Termins

Kalenderansicht anzeigen:
April 2016 || Woche 16/2016 || 24. April 2016