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INVITATION @ the Ringturm/Dachgeschoß, > W < 1 Bez

Am Dienstag, 18. Jänner 2011, um 18:30

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: the Ringturm/Dachgeschoß, Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna


The Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection Mr. Rudolf Hundstorfer
and Women without Borders/SAVE
cordially invite you to attend

The Women’s Dialogue: India-Pakistan
New Ideas for a New Way Forward

Tuesday, 18. January 2011, at 18.30
in the Ringturm/Dachgeschoß, Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna

Leading experts from India and Pakistan will present an innovative dialogue project that aims to empower women as voices of
civil society to develop and implement strategies to overcome prejudice, mistrust and fear
between the two countries.

Opening Remarks:
Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer - Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Edit Schlaffer - Women without Borders/SAVE

Mossarat Qadeem - PAIMAN Trust, Pakistan
Shabana Fayyaz - Quaid-I-Azam University, Pakistan
Archana Kapoor - SMART NGO, India
Anita Pratap - Journalist, India/Japan

Anmeldung für diesen Termin bis vor Beginn des Termins

Kalenderansicht anzeigen:
Jänner 2011 || Woche 03/2011 || 18. Jänner 2011