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ARROGANCE - Glamorous Nights @ Scotch Club > W < 1 Bez

Am Donnerstag, 21. April 2011, um 22:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Scotch Club Parkring 10, 1010 Wien

KommentarARROGANCE provides a music program specializing in deeply soulful house music.

A haven for mature individuals seeking intelligent nightlife with neither the hassles
of large clubs nor the elitism of upscale lounges with too many VIP rooms.

Once you are @ ARROGANCE there will be no more ropes, checkpoints, or rules.

Anmeldung für diesen Termin bis vor Beginn des Termins

Kalenderansicht anzeigen:
April 2011 || Woche 16/2011 || 21. April 2011