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Alien Entertainment @ Café Leopold > 1070 Wien

Am Freitag, 26. September 2008, um 00:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Café Leopold / Museumsplatz 1 / A 1070 Wien



In the fall of 2003, SOUMEZ and fellow producer, El COCA began work on their hip-hop-/rapmusic - project "ALIEN ENTERTAINMENT". Their songs combine classical hiphop-elements (rap vocals, soul-/funk-/jazz-samples, turntablism, ...) with dub-reggae, drum'n'bass and many other kinds of electronic music. The result is a new form of hip-hop with a strongly noticeable focus on high fidelity. Highly promising names among the vocalists, that are to be heard on Alien Entertainment's upcoming album " the smoke has cleared" shall complete this record and make it a timeless contribute to HIP - HOP. You'll hear people like MISTER MELODY (the voice of PRESSURE DROP'S heavyweight - anthem "Warrior Sound"), RIDER SHAFIQUE (Pressure Drop Sound, One Eye Records/UK), RQM (Stereotyp/Al Haca - Klein Records, The Tape - Kitty Yo Records), DJ COLLAGE (Megablast/Sofa Surfers), SUGAR B (Dub Club, G-Stone) and many more... »

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September 2008 || Woche 39/2008 || 26. September 2008