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Donaukanaltreiben 2016 / Central Garden

Am Freitag, 27. Mai 2016, um 15:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Central garden Untere Donaustraße 41, 1020 Wien

Kommentaroui oui oui! autopop [otopɔp] c'est charment comme le pop sixties français. brute, groovy, fantastique avec un rythme façon surfbeat.

jakob ortis – vocals, guitar
stefan geissler – keyboards, vocals
nicoletta hernández – bass, vocals
philipp wesener – drums, vocals


schmesier is an electronic pop-performance, a onemanshow with dark songs from the past up to today. The sound is electronic popmusic combined with classical and experimental elements. European classical music from the 16th century up to todays jazz and popmusic is being adapted and new arranged, ancient classical instruments meet abstract electronics. His voice, deep and low, sounds like "Leonard Cohen after voice break".

Anmeldung für diesen Termin bis vor Beginn des Termins

Kalenderansicht anzeigen:
Mai 2016 || Woche 21/2016 || 27. Mai 2016